Monitor Business Performance with Cisco AppDynamics Part I (ALY4021)


Course Overview

The Monitor Business Performance with Cisco AppDynamics Part I (ALY4021) training outlines how to use Cisco AppDynamics Analytics features and Business iQ to see what is impacting your business performance. You’ll learn how to capture your full-stack performance and transaction data to answer questions like, "How much revenue is lost due to failed checkout transactions?" and "What's the daily revenue for specific geographic areas by product?”. You’ll learn to define and manage analytics searches, metrics, and visualizations, and create dashboards that meet the goals of your Business iQ use cases. This training is the FIRST in a learning series for Business Analytics.

Dies ist ein Kurs der Cisco Learning Services und wird direkt von Cisco durchgeführt.

Preise & Trainingsmethoden

Online Training

1 Tag

  • US $ 500,– (exkl. MwSt.)
    US $ 595,– (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Classroom Training

1 Tag

  • Deutschland:
    US $ 500,– (exkl. MwSt.)
    US $ 595,– (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
  • Schweiz:
    US $ 500,– (exkl. MwSt.)
    US $ 540,50 (inkl. 8.1% MwSt.)


Instructor-led Online Training:   Kursdurchführung online im virtuellen Klassenraum.


Europäische Zeitzonen

Online Training Zeitzone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Kurssprache: Englisch

8 Stunden Differenz zu Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ)

Online Training Zeitzone: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) Kurssprache: Englisch

10 Stunden Differenz zu Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ)

Online Training Zeitzone: Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time (AEDT) Kurssprache: Englisch