ALM Octane Fundamentals (ALM110)


Course Overview

This three-day course about Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Octane teaches students how to leverage the streamlined ALM solution to bring continuous quality to lean, agile, and DevOps-focused teams. Students learn how to manage quality information throughout the development cycle, from constructing requirements to designing and executing tests to monitoring defects.

The course uses lectures and a series of hands-on labs to teach the course material. The hands-on labs for this course use version 16.x of the ALM Octane software.

This course is intended for quality assurance engineers, DevOps team members, project managers, and quality assurance leads.


  • Overview of ALM Octane
  • Create backlogs, releases, and tests in ALM Octane
  • Reports to track application development progress and quality
  • Integrate Jenkins with ALM Octane
  • Working with pipelines in ALM Octane
Wichtige Hinweise für die Buchung von Open-Text-Trainings

Bitte beachten Sie, dass für die Teilnahme an einem Open-Text-Training Vorkasse zu leisten ist. Eine Teilnahme an einem Training ist für 12 Monate nach Kursbuchung möglich. Stornierungen sind ausgeschlossen. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte unseren Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.


To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Basic knowledge of the Agile process
  • Knowledge of Application Lifecycle Management
  • Understand basic testing concepts

Course Objectives

On completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Summarize what ALM Octane is and where it fits in your project lifecycle
  • Differentiate ALM Octane from traditional ALM (ALM.NET)
  • Describe the various features and functionalities available with ALM Octane
  • Describe how ALM Octane helps in Agile methodology by supporting velocity without compromising quality
  • Describe how ALM Octane is integrated with many tools, helping to implement DevOps, and providing comprehensive endto-end control of the lifecycle
  • Perform administration tasks at a basic level on the ALM Octane platform

Course Content

  • Module 1: Course Overview
  • Module 2: Introduction to ALM Octane
  • Module 3: Project Management Flow
  • Module 4: Backlog Management and Release Quality
  • Module 5: Planning a Release
  • Module 6: Managing the Team Backlog
  • Module 7: Testing Flows in ALM Octane
  • Module 8: Managing Defects
  • Module 9: Agile Development Flow in ALM Octane
  • Module 10: My Work Page
  • Module 11: DevOps Main Flow
  • Module 12: Working with Pipelines
  • Module 13: ALM Octane Dashboards
  • Module 14: ALM Octane Administration

Preise & Trainingsmethoden

Online Training

3 Tage

  • 2.250,– € (exkl. MwSt.)
    2.677,50 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Classroom Training

3 Tage

  • Deutschland:
    2.250,– € (exkl. MwSt.)
    2.677,50 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)


Garantietermin:   Kursdurchführung unabhängig von der Teilnehmerzahl garantiert. Ausgenommen sind unvorhersehbare Ereignisse (z.B. Unfall, Krankheit der Trainer), die eine Kursdurchführung unmöglich machen.
Instructor-led Online Training:   Kursdurchführung online im virtuellen Klassenraum.


Europäische Zeitzonen

Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ) Kurssprache: Englisch Garantietermin!
Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ) Kurssprache: Englisch