Microsoft 365 - Client Side Development Fundamentals (M365-CSDF)



Das Seminar Microsoft 365 - Client Side Development Fundamentals vermittelt die grundsätzlichen Kenntnisse für Ihre Job Rolle als Microsoft 365 Developer. Dabei werden Grundlegende Frameworks wie Node.js, .NET Core und React genauso behandelt wie auch die Themen Token based Authentifizierung, Datenzugriff mit REST, PnP Core SDK oder PnPjs oder Microsoft 365 DevOps. Dieser Workshop setzt voraus, dass sie grundlegende Kenntnisse als Web Entwickler (HTML/JavaScript) haben, und bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit sich die Grundlage für Microsoft 365-, Teams, SharePoint Framework (SPFx) anzueignen.

Die hier erworbenen Kenntnisse können sie in Microsoft 365 einsetzen. Sie stellen die Basis für eine Vertiefung in Richtung MS-600 Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services dar und ergänzen diesen in Teilbereichen.


Dieses Seminar richtet sich an SharePoint Entwickler welche Ihre serverseitigen SharePoint Entwicklerkenntnisse in Richtung Microsoft 365 Development inklusive Teams Programmierung erweitern möchten umso Lösungen für Microsoft 365 und Microsft Teams zu implementieren.


  • Gute JavaScript & HTML Kenntnisse
  • Erfahrung mit SharePoint Development hilfreich


Nach Abschluss dieses Seminars haben die Teilnehmer Wissen zu folgenden Themen:

  • Introduction to Microsoft 365 Development
  • Node-based Development using Visual Studio Code
  • Object Oriented JavaScript & Type Script
  • Introduction to React for M365 Development
  • Using Microsoft Identity
  • Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Data Access using REST, CSOM, PnP/PnPjs
  • Microsoft Graph und Graph Toolkit
  • Customizing & Enhancing the User-Interface using Fluent UI
  • Using AppServices and Azure Functions in Microsoft 365 Development
  • SharePoint Framework Basics (SPFx)
  • Provisioning & Microsoft 365 DevOps


Introduction Microsoft 365 Development
  • Microsoft 365 Overview & Services
  • Overview Microsoft 365 Apps & Extension Patterns
  • Overview PnP Framework
Node-based Development using Visual Studio Code
  • Using Visual Studio Code, Extensions & Quickwins
  • Understanding Node.js Role in modern Client Side Dev
  • The Web Stack Pattern, Node, Gulp, Yeoman, Webpack
  • Exposing Local Apps using ngrok
Object Oriented JavaScript & Type Script
  • JavaScript vs TypeScript
  • Object Orientation, Classes, Constructor Functions
  • Immutability, Pure Functions and Object Cloning
  • ES6 Array Helpers & Utility Functions (Destructuring assignments, Spread, ...)
  • REST, Http Verbs, fetch and axios
  • Promises & Async Await
Introduction to React for M365 Development
  • Introduction to React
  • Use Cases for React in SharePoint Development
  • Understanding React Basics in a Standalone App
  • Classes vs Functional Components
  • Implementing Class based Components
  • Implementing Functional Components
  • Using Hooks: useState, useEffect, useCallback
  • React CRUD (Create - Read - Update - Delete)
  • Using Context to share Data between Components
  • Using Fluid UI React Controls
  • Introduction to React Testing using Jest
Using Microsoft Identity
  • Introduction to Microsoft Identity
  • App Registrations
  • Token Based Authentication
  • Microsoft Authentication Library - MSAL Getting Started
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Data Access
  • Introduction to SharePoint Object Hierarchy
  • PnP Core SDK vs REST vs PnP JavaScript
  • SharePoint REST Api V1 & V2 Getting Started
  • Implementing CRUD Operation using REST for List & List Items
  • OData Queries and Expanding
  • PnP/PnPjs Overview & CRUD Operations
  • Introduction to PnP Core SDK for .NET
  • Implementing CRUD Operations for Lists & List Items using PnP Core SDK
  • Expanding Complex Objects like Managed Metadata, Lookups, User
Introduction to Microsoft Graph & Graph Toolkit
  • Introduction to Microsoft Graph
  • Managing Events, Calendar, Mail using Graph
  • Using Graph's SharePoint Rest Api V2
  • Introduction to the MS Graph Toolkit
Using AppServices and Azure Functions in Microsoft 365 Development
  • Introduction to Azure App Services & Azure Functions
  • Implementing External Apps using React and MS Graph Toolkit
  • SharePoint Remote Event Handling Options
  • Implementing Remote Event Handling & Webhooks using Azure Functions
  • Collecting SharePoint List Notifications using Azure Event Grid
  • Timer Jobs using Azure Functions
Customizing & Enhancing the User-Interface
  • Customize Modern UI & Modern Themes
  • Site Designs
  • List & View Formatting
  • Using Site Scripts
SharePoint Framework Basics (SPFx)
  • SharePoint Framework SPFx Overview
  • When to use SPFx / When to use other Patterns
  • Implementing SharePoint Framework Web Parts
  • SharePoint Framework Data Acsess using REST ans PnPJS
  • Introduction to SharePoint Framework Extension
SharePoint Site Provisioning
  • Using the PnP Framework for Provisioning
  • Provisioning SharePoint Sites using Site Designs & Scripts
Microsoft 365 DevOps
  • Microsoft 365 DevOps Overview
  • Using the Microsoft 365 CLI
  • Azure DevOps Pipelines Quickstart
  • Introduction to Yaml
  • Deployment Options for SPFx & Azure Hosted SharePoint Apps
  • Building & Deploying SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Extensions
  • Building & Deploying Azure Functions

Preise & Trainingsmethoden

Online Training

5 Tage

  • 3.090,– €
Classroom Training

5 Tage

  • Deutschland: 3.090,– €
  • Schweiz: CHF 3.730,–


Instructor-led Online Training:   Dies ist ein Instructor-led Online Training, das über WebEx in einer VoIP Umgebung durchgeführt wird. Sollten Sie Fragen zu einem unserer Online-Kurse haben, können Sie uns jederzeit unter +49 (0)40 25334610 oder per E-Mail an kontaktieren.


Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)   ±1 Stunde

Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)
Online Training Zeitzone: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)