ValueEdge Functional Test Essentials (VEFTE)


Course Overview

This two-day, basic course explains the fundamentals of the ValueEdge Functional Test (VEFT). Designed for beginners, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to VEFT and its sub-modules, equipping participants with the skills necessary to utilize the solution in their testing processes effectively. The training comprises theory and practical sessions where you learn to use VEFT as a one-stop shop for all your functional testing needs, enabling anyone to easily test anything on any platform from anywhere.


  • Explain the OpenTextTM ValueEdge platform.
  • Discuss challenges in functional testing.
  • Explain the modules of the ValueEdge Functional Test (VEFT).
  • Describe Model-Based Testing (MBT) and its advantages.
  • Create Models and Units for MBT.
  • Design and execute a test for MBT.
  • Execute UFT One tests with MBT.
  • Schedule the execution of tests in the OpenText cloud environment.
  • Monitor test execution for scheduled runs.
  • Design AI-based codeless scripts in ValueEdge Functional Test.
  • Enhance the AI Codeless script with parametrization and conditional statements.
  • Execute an AI Codeless script in a cloud environment.
Important notes for the booking of Open Text trainings

Please note that prepayment is required for participation in an Open Text training course. Participation in a training course is possible for 12 months after booking the course. Cancellations are excluded. For further information, please refer to our General Terms and Conditions.

Who should attend

Business Analysts, Test Engineers/QA Analysts, and Developers


To be successful in this course, you should have basic IT knowledge.

Course Objectives

On completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the advantages of automatingfunctional testing with VEFT.
  • Preview the features and capabilities ofthe OpenText ValueEdge Platform.
  • Describe the different sub-modules ofVEFT and their functionalities.
  • Explain the concept of MBT and itsadvantages in software testing.
  • Explain the various stages of the MBTlifecycle.
  • Create units, models, paths, and testswithin the MBT framework.
  • Integrate MBT with automationframeworks.
  • Explain the different tabs and theirfunctions within the Executionmodule.
  • Create and execute comprehensivetest suites.
  • Create and manage test schedules.
  • Track and monitor the execution oftests.
  • Create codeless scripts and addvarious types of steps, including:
  • Verification steps
  • Parameters
  • Synchronization steps
  • Conditional steps
  • Perform data-driven testing.
  • Execute codeless scripts and analyze the results.

Course Content

Chapter 1: Course Overview

  • Identify the contents and objectives of the course
  • Define the class logistics

Chapter 2: Introduction to ValueEdge Functional Test

  • Explain the challenges of functional testing
  • Describe the advantages of automating functional testing with ValueEdge Functional Test (VEFT)
  • Preview the ValueEdge platform

Chapter 3: ValueEdge Functional Test Modules

  • Explain the following in VEFT:
  • Model-Based Testing
  • Test Design
  • Test Execution
  • Digital Lab

Chapter 4: Introduction to Model-Based Testing (MBT)

  • Explain Model-Based Testing (MBT) and its advantages
  • Describe the MBT lifecycle
  • Create units and models
  • Create paths
  • Generate tests
  • Execute tests

Chapter 5: Model-Based Testing and Automation Frameworks

  • Work with automation frameworks
  • Import UFT One tests in VEFT using Cloud Runner
  • Create Models for UFT One tests
  • Generate paths and create MBT tests
  • Execute UFT One tests in VEFT
  • Import Selenium (TestNG) tests in VEFT

Chapter 6: Introduction to Test Execution

  • Explain tabs in the Execution module
  • Create and execute a test suite
  • Create a schedule
  • Monitor test execution

Chapter 7: Introduction to AI Codeless Testing

  • Work with the Test Design module
  • Create a codeless script and add steps
  • Edit codeless scripts
  • Execute codeless scripts
  • Automate manual tests

Chapter 8: Enhancing AI Codeless Tests

  • Add verification steps
  • Add parameters
  • Add synchronization steps
  • Add conditional steps
  • Associate codeless scripts with Units and Tests
  • Perform data-driven testing

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

2 days

  • 1,500.— € (excl. tax)
    1,785.— € (incl. 19% tax)
Classroom Training

2 days

  • Germany:
    1,500.— € (excl. tax)
    1,785.— € (incl. 19% tax)


Guaranteed date:   We will carry out all guaranteed training regardless of the number of attendees, exempt from force majeure or other unexpected events, like e.g. accidents or illness of the trainer, which prevent the course from being conducted.
Instructor-led Online Training:   Course conducted online in a virtual classroom.


European Time Zones

Online Training Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Guaranteed date!
Online Training Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST)